HTC invited 8 bloggers from all around the world to pass and amazing couple of days in Scottsdale, Arizona. HTC Mexico didn't tell me what was going to happened over there but they do told me that I was the only one from latin america who was invited, so of course i couldn't refuse the offer.
It all came clear by day two; HTC was making the new ad campaign for the HTC One in the middle of the desert and they want us to see that everything that was mention on the campaign is truth.
Im a true believer that videos are better than texts, so instead of writing down all the concept of the campaign, here it is!! and yes it is true. Bible!!.
And that same day, they let us play with one HTC One. Without being pushy (or too pr) they gave me the time to discover by myself why this is a better phone that the iPhone i have. What I really like about the HTC One, is the filters you can put on every photo, without using instagram or things like that. My second favorite thing is that you can take photos at the same time you are recording. For me the camera is the most important thing of a phone, and this one takes really good photos.
I don't know when the HTC One is going to be on sale here in Mexico but at least i can recommend you to start saving and really give yourself a lil time to try it; maybe you as me end up with an iPhone because it just happened but the truth is that HTC One is a better phone.